All events are currently hosted online. We welcome everyone around the world who is interested in joining our TaikoIN’ community.
Browse through events with our calendar or scroll down below to see the full list.
NOTE: All times are in Pacific Time (Los Angeles).
March-October: PDT - UTC-7 Hrs
November - February: PST - UTC-8 Hrs
TaikoIN’ Body Awareness with Eri Uchida (4 of 4)
BringIN’ It All Together
With an overall purpose of encouraging self-care for mind and body (especially in today’s world climate), Eri will guide us through her thought process and approach for practicing mindfulness and awareness for our bodies.
TaikoIN’ Body Awareness with Eri Uchida (3 of 4)
Sense of “Center”
With an overall purpose of encouraging self-care for mind and body (especially in today’s world climate), Eri will guide us through her thought process and approach for practicing mindfulness and awareness for our bodies.
TaikoIN’ Body Awareness with Eri Uchida (2 of 4)
Sense of “Liquid”
With an overall purpose of encouraging self-care for mind and body (especially in today’s world climate), Eri will guide us through her thought process and approach for practicing mindfulness and awareness for our bodies.
TaikoIN’ Body Awareness with Eri Uchida (1 of 4)
Sense of “Gravity”
With an overall purpose of encouraging self-care for mind and body (especially in today’s world climate), Eri will guide us through her thought process and approach for practicing mindfulness and awareness for our bodies.